
Friday, February 15, 2019

The Argumentr Regardingf The Decriminalization Of Cannabis Essay

The Argument Over the decriminalization of CannabisThe major(ip)ity of Americans choose the same issues as the intimately glowering to the nation. Invariably among these one pull up stakes see drugs as a major concern of most Americans. There is speculation that this is due to a comprehend association between drugs and crime (Inciardi 1). A good deal of the descent over government policy towards drugs centers on the least unhealthy and most socially accepted of the illegal drugs, marijuana. Marijuana, scientifically kn consume as Tetrahydrocannabinol, belongs to its own group among other legal and illegal drugs. It is neither a narcotic, such(prenominal) as heroin, nor a stimulant, such as caffeine or tobacco, nor a depressant, such as intoxicant. The cannabis plant is thought to have giving originally in Asia, though it was also discovered upon the settling of northwards America. Its leaves, when smoked, instigate physiological reactions. When the active chemical in canna bis, THC, enters the bloodstream by means of the lungs and reaches the brain, it triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that induces pleasure (Gettman). This causes several effects upon the user, such as increased sensitivity of the senses, a dry mouth, the inability to keep a train of thought, and fits of laughter, among others. Cannabis remains a legal though part restricted substance in several countries. The Netherlands, for example, has mostly decriminalized cannabis. Portugal and Spain recently part decriminalized the possession and use of recreational cannabis. However, in the United States, the possession of cannabis or any paraphernalia is expressly illegal. While no major legislation has been proposed to decriminalize the recreational use of cannabis, the United States government has commission several studies regarding the properties of cannabis and its effects, and also has considered bills permitting the medicinal use of marijuana.Cannabis was commonp lace in America for much of the 18th and 19th centuries. Many apothecaries and doctors proscribed medications containing cannabis. Until 1941, cannabis was part of the United States pharmacopoeia. However, in the early 20th century, earthly concern opinion swung and cannabis was characterized as an evil and ... ...a will certainly reach out longer than that. However, the fact remains that a drug recognized as physically safer and more beneficial than nicotine and alcohol has caused millions of imprisonments, billions of federal dollars, and several lives. However, we atomic number 18 only left to wonder if the prohibition of marijuana today will one day seem as trivial is our prohibition of alcohol was during the early 20th century.Works CitedBaggins, David Sadofsky. do drugs Hate and the Corruption of American Justice. Westport, CT Praeger, 1998.Fish, Jefferson M. How to Legalize Drugs. Northvale, NJ Jason Aronson, Inc., 1998.Gettman, Jon. Physiological Effects of Cannabis intake. The Medical Feasibility of Marijuana. 8 Dec. 2000. Whitman College. .Gieringer, Dale. NORML Report on Marijuana inhibition. National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws Homepage. 8 Dec. 2000. NORML. .Inciardi, James A. The Drug Legalization Debate. Thousand Oaks, CA Sage Publications, 1999.Rubin, Vera. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague Mouton Publishers, 1975.

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